Before I like the Feliz.Router very much, because it is very simple to start:
html.route (function
| [ "router" ]
| [ _; "router" ] -> html.text "Router"
| [ "router"; Route.Query [ "name", name; "age", Route.Int age ] ]
| [ _; "router"; Route.Query [ "name", name; "age", Route.Int age ] ] -> html.text $"name is: {name}, age is: {age}"
| _ -> html.text "Not my concern."
It is easily to extract data from url and also very explicity, its concept is very straightforward. But recently I found it is not easy to manage a little bit complex routes, and composing longer segments makes it hard to read. For example I can do
html.route (function
| [ Route.Ci "document"; Route.Int docId; Route.Ci "comments"; .... ]
I use Giraffe on backend a lot and like its style very much. So copy its code and integrate with blazor could make things funny. Now I can write things like:
html.route [
routeCi "/whatever"
subRouteCi "/router" [
routeCi "/document" (html.text "Dcoument page")
routeCif "/document/%i" (fun x -> html.text $"Document {x}")
routeCiWithQueries "/documents" (fun queries -> html.text $"Documents with query: {formatQueries queries}")
routeCifWithQueries "/documents/%s" (fun param queries -> html.text $"Documents(Param: {param}) with query: {formatQueries queries}")
/// Or
let routes = [
routeCi "/antdesign" demoAntDesign
routeCi "/fluentui" demoFluentUI
routeCi "/mudblazor" demoMudBlazor
subRouteCi "/router" [ routeAny Router.Router.router ]
routeCi "/elmish" Elmish.Elmish.elmish
routeCi "/helper-functions" HelperFunctions.HelperFunctions.helperFunctions
routeCi "/cli-usage" CliUsage.CliUsage.cliUsage
routeAny QuickStart.QuickStart.quickStart
Extracting the queries is not gonna difficult, I may write some helper functions (like Zaid-Ajaj/Giraffe.QueryReader: HttpHandler for easily working with query string parameters within Giraffe apps. ( to do that if necessary. Or just use json serializer to handle dictionary directly to bind to some model. Now I just expose a map of the query.