Wasted hours to figure out how to expose my service hosted in my local Windows11 PC for public access
Got some time to figure out how to get free certificate from Let's Encrypt org with DNS-01 challenge
In dotnet 9 there is an official support for SSE, but this concept is quit new to me before, need to explore ...
With Blazor.Diagrams, I can easily create customizable dashboards for users
It takes some time and hard work to get this point, but the release 4.0.0 of Fun.Blazor makes me very happy and satisfy.
I tried to get the benefit from the navigation and form enhancement of blazor in dotnet 8 for my blog site, but with no luck...
最近 dotnet 8 preview 5 发布,想尝试一下在 native AOT 模式下,asp.net core minimal API + blazor 的效果。
After I tried rust by rebuilding my recipe website, I thought I know enough to use rust to build more stuff, at least will not spend too much time. So I tried to build a load test tool ...
Rust is on my radar for many years, but never had opportunities to use it, but recently I found a chance.
Yeah... maybe it is time to start to learn machine learning. Will follow the star Andrej Karpathy
Yeah... maybe it is time to start to learn machine learning. Will follow the star Andrej Karpathy
Yeah... maybe it is time to start to learn machine learning. Will follow the star Andrej Karpathy
How to implement simple dialogs and toasts functions with fsharp and blazor, it can be very simple and fully controlled by your self.
There are so many ways to create RSS, here I choose the internal solution with dotnet
This blog site is rebuilt for many times, now, there is one more to go ...
It may look very weird to combine those stuff together, but when I found this hammer and looking for nails, there really are some...
Blazor server is good, but for some use cases it is a little bit heavy. What if I can run blazor host only when necessary?
Use the new Fun.OData.Query computation expression DSL to consume the apis which is setup with OData MVC and swagger
Enough counter demo, let's have a look for a real enterprise application which is build with Fun.Blazor
SignalR client can support blazor wasm, so if use that we may have hot-reload for Fun.Blazor in wasm mode.
Hot-reload is very important for building frontend application, because it can save life. Here is the journey for how I make it work and hot to use it.
Fun.Blazor V2 is in beta, I want to use it and try more real stuff
最近几年黑暗模式越来越流行,不管是系统成面还是 UI 设计趋势,感觉不光是程序员喜欢黑色主题,大家都好这口,可能是因为大家都越来越喜欢晚睡了吧
Before I use Feliz style for the auto generated dsl but find its a little redundant, so let`s try CE style
Still trying to mess around with the frontend DSL powered by fsharp computation expression
Before I experimented Feliz.Router with Fun.Blazor and find some inconvenience so this time I tried to use giraffe style to see how it is going on.
我们经常会听说登陆(login), 验证(authenticate), 授权(authorize)。他们的区别和具体的实现到底是怎么做的呢?以及和单点登陆(SSO)的关系又是什么呢?和cookie, session, JWT又有怎样的联系呢?