id: d638c6a7-34bb-4151-b31b-30b34730df42 title: Make more names - part 1 keywords: machine_learning,torchsharp,fsharp,notes description: Yeah... maybe it is time to start to learn machine learning. Will follow the star Andrej Karpathy createTime: 2023-03-13
// Install dependencies
#r "nuget:Plotly.NET.Interactive"
#r "nuget:TorchSharp,0.99.1"
#r "nuget:libtorch-cuda-11.7-win-x64,"
#r "nuget:Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Formatting, 1.0.0-beta.23152.2"
Installed Packages
- libtorch-cuda-11.7-win-x64,
- Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Formatting, 1.0.0-beta.23152.2
- Plotly.NET.Interactive, 4.1.0
- TorchSharp, 0.99.1
Loading extensions from `C:\Users\cnbinwew\.nuget\packages\\4.1.0\interactive-extensions\dotnet\Plotly.NET.Interactive.dll`
open System
open System.IO
open Plotly.NET
open TorchSharp
open type TorchSharp.torch.nn.functional
open Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Formatting
Formatter.SetPreferredMimeTypesFor(typeof, "text/plain")
Formatter.Register(fun (x:torch.Tensor) -> x.ToString(TorchSharp.TensorStringStyle.Default))
let print x = Formatter.ToDisplayString x |> printfn "%s"
let (@) (x: torch.Tensor) (y: torch.Tensor) = x.matmul y
let words = File.ReadAllLines "MakeMore.names.txt" |> Seq.sortBy (fun _ -> Random.Shared.Next()) |> Seq.toList
words |> Seq.take 5
[ antonia, baron, danay, miron, audi ]
let chars =
let set = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet()
words |> Seq.iter (fun word -> word |> Seq.iter (set.Add >> ignore))
set |> Seq.sort |> Seq.toList
let lookupTable =
Map.ofList [
'<', 0
for i, c in List.indexed chars do c, i + 1
'>', chars.Length + 1
let size = lookupTable.Count
let ctoi c = Map.find c lookupTable
let itoc i = lookupTable |> Map.pick (fun k x -> if x = i then Some k else None)
let blockSize = 3
let X, Y =
for word in words do
let iend = size - 1
let mutable context = [for _ in 1..blockSize -> 0]
for c in word do
let ix = ctoi c
List.toArray context, ix
context <- List.append context[1..] [ix]
List.toArray context, iend
|> Array.unzip
|> fun (x, y) ->
torch.tensor(array2D x),
// Check the input and label pair
System.Collections.Generic.List [
Y[[|0L..20L|]].view(-1, 1)
|> Seq.chunkBySize 4
|> Seq.iter (fun row ->
printfn "%s => %s" (row[..2] |> itoc |> String.Concat) (itoc row[3] |> string)
<<< => a <<a => n <an => t ant => o nto => n ton => i oni => a nia => > <<< => b <<b => a <ba => r bar => o aro => n ron => > <<< => d <<d => a <da => n dan => a ana => y nay => > <<< => m
let total = words.Length
let trainCount = float total * 0.8 |> int
let devCount = float total * 0.1 |> int
let testCount = float total * 0.1 |> int
// Training split, dev/validation split, test split
// 80% 10% 10%
let X_train = X[torch.arange(trainCount)]
let Y_train = Y[torch.arange(trainCount)]
let X_dev = X[torch.arange(trainCount, trainCount + devCount)]
let Y_dev = Y[torch.arange(trainCount, trainCount + devCount)]
let X_test = X[torch.arange(trainCount + devCount, trainCount + devCount + testCount)]
let Y_test = Y[torch.arange(trainCount + devCount, trainCount + devCount + testCount)]
// Build MLP layer
let inputSize = 10
let outputSize = size
let layer1InputSize = 30
let layer1OutputSize = 200
let batchSize = 32
let g = torch.Generator().manual_seed(2147483647)
let C = torch.randn(size, inputSize, generator = g)
let W1 = torch.randn(layer1InputSize, layer1OutputSize, generator = g)
let b1 = torch.randn(layer1OutputSize, generator = g)
let W2 = torch.randn(layer1OutputSize, outputSize, generator = g)
let b2 = torch.randn(outputSize, generator = g)
let parameters = [C; W1; b1; W2; b2]
printfn $"total params: {parameters |> Seq.sumBy (fun x -> x.NumberOfElements)}"
for p in parameters do
p.requires_grad <- true
total params: 12108
// What is embeding
let c = torch.randint(5, [| 3; 3 |])
// All the values in every row will be the index which will be used to map the row in c
// So, the value should not be bigger than the row nums of c
let x = torch.randint(2, [| 4; 4 |])
let e = c[x]
print c
print x
print e
print (e[0, 1, 1])
[3x3], type = Int64, device = cpu 0 4 4 0 2 3 0 0 3 [4x4], type = Int64, device = cpu 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 [4x4x3], type = Int64, device = cpu [0,..,..] = 0 4 4 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 4 4 [1,..,..] = 0 2 3 0 4 4 0 2 3 0 2 3 [2,..,..] = 0 2 3 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 3 [3,..,..] = 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 [], type = Int64, device = cpu, value = 2
let createLogits (x: torch.Tensor) =
let embed = C[x.long()]
let h = embed.view(-1, layer1InputSize) @ W1 + b1 |> torch.tanh
h @ W2 + b2
let calcLoss (target: torch.Tensor) (input : torch.Tensor) = cross_entropy(input, target.long())
// Used to keep track all the loss on every epoch
let lossi = System.Collections.Generic.List()
// what is backward used to do?
// backward, calculate the grad and update x0 with sepecific step (learning rate)
let x0 = torch.tensor(2., requires_grad = true)
for _ in 1..10 do
let y0 = x0 * x0 + Scalar.op_Implicit 1
if x0.grad() <> null then x0.grad().zero_() |> ignore
let newX0 = x0 - Scalar.op_Implicit 0.25 * x0.grad()
printfn $"x0 = %.3f{x0.item()}, grad = %.3f{x0.grad().item()}"
x0 = 1.000, grad = 4.000 x0 = 0.500, grad = 2.000 x0 = 0.250, grad = 1.000 x0 = 0.125, grad = 0.500 x0 = 0.062, grad = 0.250 x0 = 0.031, grad = 0.125 x0 = 0.016, grad = 0.062 x0 = 0.008, grad = 0.031 x0 = 0.004, grad = 0.016 x0 = 0.002, grad = 0.008
// Start the training
for i in 0..100_000-1 do
// mini batch
let ix = torch.randint(0, int X_train.shape[0], [| batchSize |])
// forward pass
let logits = createLogits X_train[ix]
let loss = calcLoss Y_train[ix] logits
//printfn $"loss = {loss.item()}"
let lr =
if i < 30_000 then 0.1
else if i < 40_000 then 0.05
else if i < 60_000 then 0.01
else 0.01
|> Scalar.op_Implicit
for p in parameters do
if p.grad() <> null then p.grad().zero_() |> ignore
for p in parameters do
let newData = p - lr * p.grad()
Chart.Line([0..lossi.Count-1], lossi)
// The final loss
createLogits X_train |> calcLoss Y_train
[], type = Float32, device = cpu, value = 2.4804
// The loss for the dev set
createLogits X_dev |> calcLoss Y_dev
[], type = Float32, device = cpu, value = 2.607
let generateNameByNetwork () =
let mutable shouldContinue = true
// used to predict the next char
let mutable context = [| for _ in 1..blockSize -> 0L |]
let name = Text.StringBuilder()
while shouldContinue do
let logits = createLogits (torch.tensor(context))
let probs = softmax(logits, dim = 1)
// Pick one sample from the row, according to the probobility in row
let ix = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples = 1, replacement = true, generator = g).item()
context <- Array.append context[1..] [|ix|]
//context |> print
//Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
if int ix = size - 1 then
shouldContinue <- false
ix |> int |> itoc |> name.Append |> ignore
[1..10] |> Seq.iter (ignore >> generateNameByNetwork >> print)
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